Tag Archives: school



Yesterday was our opening day!!!  Lady Nitwit, our adaptation of Lope de Vega’s La dama boba  has taken us six months and lots of time and hard work to get ready, but the result couldn’t be better. The children were so talented and  costumes, lighting, music,… were spectacular.

I’ve never seen an audience that’s so committed to the performers.

Thank you all for your support and for coming!! I hope to see you on Monday when the jury arrives to give us strengt.

I prepared this video with some photos. I hope you enjoy it!!! Music: Granada by Isaac Albeniz and Enrique Granados.

You can see more information and photos in Angel’s blog!!!

Our school veggie garden!!


A school garden is a great addition to our school. Kids learn and have fun in a natural ever-changing environment where they get to appreciate nature, nutrition, and even how maths,reading, geography,history etc can be fun and how they fit into and influence our day to day lives.

We planted vegetables at our school. We will take care of the garden as the vegetables grow. Then the vegetables will be used in the life skills classes or we can eat them, making our school sustainable.

In our school garden, 4th graders planted beans and peas. We have seen how our strawberry and garlic plants are growing and  we learned to use the spade. We also gave water in the drains of the aromatic herbs and the lettuces.

We were so happy. It was so different from the text book-pen-pencil-paper-black board cycle. At least we got a chance to use our hands to build something new for the school, for us and our friends. Great fun!!

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